Monday to Friday, 10am to 1 pm and 3pm to 7pm +334 50 02 31 12

Privacy policy

The Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND attaches particular importance to the protection of personal data ("personal data") that it collects and processes in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. These include, in particular, the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended, and the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the "RGPD") (together "the RGPD Legal Framework").

The purpose of this privacy policy is therefore to present the commitments of the Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND with regard to the protection of personal data, it being specified that the RGPD Legal Framework is applicable to any processing of data that directly or indirectly identifies a natural person ("you"): your surname and forename, your telephone number, your email, your date of birth, etc.

Who are we?

The Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND, an association with a share capital of €22,108, registered in the SIRENE register of Lyon under the number 350 375 549 0010, whose head office is located at 1515 Route de Lormay - 74450 LE GRAND-BORNAND.

What personal data do we collect and how?
Cookies: during your navigation on the site " " (Auberge Nordique), cookies may be installed on your terminal. For more information, please refer to the Appendix on cookies.

Contact form: personal identification and contact data (name and email), as well as any information you choose to provide in the body of the message, in particular if you send us an application (CV, covering letter, professional situation etc.). Some of the information requested is necessary to process your application and is therefore marked as mandatory.

Why do we collect personal data?
The purposes of the collection and processing of personal data by the Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND are the following:

Cookies: the purposes of each cookie implemented on the Site can be consulted in the table in the Appendix Cookies.

Contact form: to be able to process the contact/application requests that you send us via the contact form on the Site.

In order to process your contact or application requests, we may contact you either by telephone or by e-mail.

What do we do with your personal data?
We process your personal data in accordance with the RGPD legal framework.

We take the necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and security of your personal data, including with respect to our subcontractors, taking into account the risks involved, in order to prevent your personal data from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

We do not engage in profiling and/or fully automated individual decision making with regard to the data provided.

Who are the recipients of your personal data?
The internal recipients of your personal data are the staff of the Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND.

However, your personal data may be transmitted to external recipients, solely for the purposes mentioned above and to the extent strictly necessary for the performance of the tasks entrusted to them. This includes in particular :

Our subcontractors, in particular the following categories: accounting firm and technical information system providers,
The manufacturers of the products sold, in particular during the implementation of the guarantee if necessary,
Social and fiscal organisations
If necessary, your personal data may be communicated to third parties authorised by law in the context of an express and reasoned request from the legal authorities.

Transfers outside the EU: we keep your personal data in the European Union. However, in the context of the transmission of your data to certain recipients, it is possible that your data will be transferred outside the European Union. In this case, we ensure that our service providers provide a level of security comparable to that resulting from compliance with the GDPR Legal Framework and formalise our relationship through a written contract.

How long do we keep your personal data?
Contact form: for the time necessary to process your request, then for a maximum of three years from the date of collection or last contact at your initiative.

What are your rights?
Under the RGPD legal framework, you have rights which we inform you of and ensure the effective implementation of. These are the rights of access, query, rectification, deletion, limitation and withdrawal of consent to processing, as well as the rights to portability of your personal data and to set out guidelines for the disposition of your personal data after your death.

You also have the right to object to the processing on legitimate grounds and at any time in the context of commercial prospecting.

You can exercise these rights by sending a complete request accompanied by proof of your identity:

By e-mail to the following address:

By mail addressed to :

1515 Route de Lormay

Your request must contain your full name, e-mail address or postal address to which you would like the reply from the Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND to reach you. For security reasons and to avoid any fraudulent request, this request must be accompanied by proof of identity. After processing the request, this proof will be destroyed. In accordance with the law, except in special circumstances justified by us, this request will be answered within one month of receipt of the request.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL or any other competent supervisory authority in your country of residence.

You can make this complaint to the French CNIL:

At the following address:

By mail addressed to :

TSA 80715
75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

Appendix cookies
What are cookies?

When you visit the Site, tracking technologies are used and data is collected. The term "cookies" refers to all tracking technologies that may be used. These are text files recorded on your terminal during your visit to the Site, containing information about your navigation on the Site and enabling certain functions.

There are several categories of cookies, which serve different purposes:

Technical cookies: these cookies help to make our Site usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation. Our Site cannot function properly without these cookies.
Audience measurement cookies: These cookies help us, through the collection and communication of information in an anonymous manner, to measure the number of visitors and to understand how you interact with the site.
Cookies may be placed by us or by third parties. In the latter case, we inform you about these cookies and obtain your consent before they are placed, but we do not have direct control over these cookies.
Your rights regarding cookies
Your consent to the placement of cookies
In accordance with the applicable provisions and the recommendations of the CNIL, no cookies are deposited if you have not consented to their deposit. We collect your express consent when you visit our Site by means of a banner informing you of the purpose of the cookies used and allowing you to accept the deposit of cookies.

Your consent is valid for 13 months.

Some cookies, considered strictly necessary for the provision of the service, are exempt from consent.

This is particularly the case for the following cookies:

Session ID" cookies for the duration of a session, or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in certain cases;
You can withdraw your consent at any time by objecting to the deposit of cookies.

Opposition to the deposit of cookies

We draw your attention to the fact that, when you object to the installation or use of a cookie, a refusal cookie is installed on your terminal. If you delete this refusal cookie, it will no longer be possible to identify you as having refused the use of cookies.

Browser settings

You can configure your browser regarding cookies. You can refuse or accept certain categories of cookies. Below are the links that allow you to configure your browsers:

Google Chrome:
Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Safari Mobile:
Android browser:
Setting the parameters of cookies deposited by third parties

You can oppose the deposit of cookies deposited by third parties: To deactivate the Google Analytics cookie, you can download an additional module at the following address:

Setting the parameters for personalised advertising cookies by the "Youronlinechoices" interprofessional platform

You can connect to the Youronlinechoices website, proposed by digital advertising professionals grouped together within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

You will be able to find out which companies are registered with this platform and which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the cookies used by these companies to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed on your terminal to your browsing information:

This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and constitutes a centralised interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of the cookies likely to be used to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed on your terminal to your browsing information. Note that this procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites you visit. It will only block the technologies that allow ads to be adapted to your centres of interest.

Details of the cookies used on our site
Name Purpose Issuer Data collected Lifetime
Session cookie and CSRF Token The proper functioning of the site Association CENTRE NORDIQUE DU GRAND-BORNAND Session A few hours to 2 days